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发表于 2014-12-29 12:49:14 | 查看: 1101| 回复: 0
bluehost承诺无限空间、无限流量、无限数据库空间,但是对于网站,这些资源并不是全部的关键资源。其它的关键资源bluehost(包括其它的美国主机商、国内主机商)都没有大张旗鼓的宣传。这些关键资源包括CPU、memory(内存占用)、I/O等。在bluehost的TOS(terms of subscribers,用户购买协议)中并没有明确的给出数值。但是从其它一些侧面的帖子、消息中可以找到答案。
“Effective immediately (Actually as of Friday January 25th) we have altered the way we calculate CPU usage. Each user’s cap is now approximately double what we had it set to previously. Many users have complained lately that our cpu quotas were overly restrictive. I believe these changes should reduce the number of people that run into this problem by about 90%.“。
"NO MORE CPU QUOTA EXCEEDED ERRORS EVER!!!! (Starting on Tues July 29th 2009) We will be completely removing the code that bans users for CPU overages!! Processes will no longer ever be killed or stopped because of too many cpu resources. Instead, your site will simply bump up against any cpu limits that we put in place. This will work just like a VPS or dedicated server, but without the high cost!“。
Unlimited Hosting Space; excessive MySQL files.Bluehost does not set arbitrary limits on the amount of disk space a Subscriber can use for the Subscriber's website, nor does Bluehost charge additional fees based on an increased amount of storage used, provided the Subscriber's use of storage complies with these Terms. Please note, however, that the Bluehost service is designed to host websites. Bluehost does NOT provide unlimited space for online storage, backups, or archiving of electronic files, documents, log files, etc., and any such prohibited use of the Services will result in the termination of Subscriber's account, with or without notice. Accounts with a large number of files (inode count in excess of 200,000) can have an adverse affect on server performance. Similarly, accounts with an excessive number of MySQL/PostgreSQL tables (i.e., in excess of 1000 database tables) or of database size (i.e., in excess of 3GB total MySQL/PostgreSQL usage or 2GB MySQL/PostgreSQL usage in a single database) negatively affect the performance of the server. Bluehost may request that the number of files/inodes, database tables, or total database usage be reduced to ensure proper performance or may terminate the Subscriber's account, with or without notice.

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